Saturday, December 5, 2009

What is the best seat (place ) to view a movie in theater?

i guess.. there ll b 2 answeres..

What is the best seat (place ) to view a movie in theater?opera singer

Middle row, middle seat. The sound is perfect.

What is the best seat (place ) to view a movie in theater?amc theater opera theater

in the middle :)
As close to the center of the theater as you can get.
About the third row up and the 11th seat along.
Center, in back row.

Some people like to sit at the end of the aisle, so they can come and go without having to climb over people.

I myslf like to sit at the end of the aisle in the back row.
in the center of the theater...especially if it has "stadium seating"
depends what you want... usually beind the handicapped opening because no one sits there so you can always see the screen
in the middle

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