Saturday, December 5, 2009

After watching a movie at a theater, have you sneaked into another screen to watch another movie for

And do the theater employees monitor that?

After watching a movie at a theater, have you sneaked into another screen to watch another movie for free?

YEAH and my friends do it all the time. I mean you already payed to get why not see all the movies while you can!

After watching a movie at a theater, have you sneaked into another screen to watch another movie for free?amc theatre opera theater

Only once, a long, long time ago. I don't think the movie people pay attention.
Yes. There see so many people everyday, they don't notice it.
yes If I don't like the movie I go check

out another one, and no one ever said anything to me..and they have seen me do it.
yeah sometimes but they don't pay attention half the time
yes to part 1 and yes to part 2, but there are certain dates that the theatres kind of expect and condone it (christmas day, don't ask me why, but this one place I used to go to as a kid used to list all the running times, that day only, so you could schedule the day in the multiplex...I guess it was their christmas gift to the gen. pub.
Of course, who hasn't? My college boyfriend and I did this one rainy Saturday. 3 movies total. The theater employee just laughed.
no but me and my friends were going to do that this friday!
Yes, who hasn't...
Noooo.. I download movies before i pay out the *** to watch them. try before u buy! i have already wasted $1000's on movies already! tired of wasting money
Once or twice. It's better to do it on a busy day. I dont think the monitor very closely.
yeah, many times but once i got caught for doing that but noting bad happened
I used to do it all the time when I was a teenager.... the way I saw it, ticket prices were so high, my one ticket was more like a day pass. I saw the original Star Wars like 16 times by doing this trick.
Yeah !
Yeah...a few times. I tried getting other people to do it, but it's like they feel guilty or something. But, I usually do it when I see an early movie.
Yeah. I do that a lot with my friends. You payed to get in. So then just go watch movies any ways. The theater employees wont even know! One time we went to National Treasure, The Incredibles, the Polar Express, and a movie called Alexander or something.

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