What was the worst movie you've ever seen in the theater?
Me my choices for the worst movies I've seen in the theaters was A Very Brady Sequel and Catwoman, the only reason why I went to see Catwoman cause a friend of mine wanted to see it and he insisted us to watch it.
Worst movie you've ever seen in the theater?opera house
Worst movie I've ever seen in the theater was Pirates of the Carribean 3, I couldn't bear to sit through the whole show and we left within an hour into the movie, I was never a big fan of the series but I find the first two movies to be watchable.
Worst movie you've ever seen in the theater?dream theater opera theater
a perfect murder.
King Kong. that movie is soooooooooooo corny i wanted to leave before it went past the first hour!
hitchhikers guide to the galaxy or evan almighty, they sucked pretty bad
Dragon Wars
when a stranger calls- sooo stoopid
Valentine with Denise Richards.
I would have to say Charlie Bartlett. That movie was trying way too hard.
Definitely: "Dude where's my car?"....
I was stupid enough to go and see Ultra Violet. However i wasnt stupid enough to stay for the whole movie.
Pulse (thought-humm I'd be better off w/out one-lol)
"From Hell" ! That movie should have stayed in Hell where it belong !
Norbit. Oh my god I just wanted to get out after the first 5 minutes. Eddy Murphy put in fat jokes about how much chicken fat people it, sucking jelly out of doughnuts and other painful jokes. The film acts so angry like it doesn't give a chance to chuckle. I'd give it 1/5.
Eragon. That movie almost made me cry it was so bad. I am NOT a fan of the books, so I had no qualms with how different the movie was from the book. The acting was awful, the story was atrocious, the plot was empty, and the set, what little there was, was super lame. Worst movie I have ever seen.
the dukes of hazard, I'm a big fan of the series i was so disappointed, i spend most of the film watching my watch
The thin red line.
sweeny todd was the worst. i couldn't sit through it. i fell asleep.
Once I made the mistake of taking a date to see (my enthusiastic suggestion) Session 9.
I will never get those 2 hours back, and she still reminds me I may have the worst judgement in the history of selecting films.
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