Saturday, December 5, 2009

How old should my daughter be when I try to take her to see a movie in the theater for the first tim

I wondering how old kids are when they have a good chance of sitting through the entire movie without upsetting other patrons.

How old should my daughter be when I try to take her to see a movie in the theater for the first time?tickets

There are a few things that you could consider before "chancing" it!

First of all... can she sit through a movie with you at home? Does she know how to whisper? Does she listen when you DO tell her to sit down, watch the movie and be as quiet as possible??

If she does then she is MORE then ready to go see a movie at the theatre... however MOST kids are more well behaved IN the theatre v/s at home watching a movie in thier own "comfort zone!"

See if your town has things like "mommy and me movies." Our town does... this is where moms (or dads) can bring thier children once a month to a pre-selected (but NEW) movie (this month it was Shrek the 3rd). The children are expected to TRY and remain quiet and seated during the movie... however if they DO start talking loudly and DO start trying to get up and run around... NO ONE gets upset! They are ALL parents w/ kids. They even have some toys set up at the very front of the theatre to keep the kids who are just "done" w/ the movie occupied! Its a GREAT program, you should see if your town has something like that!

Your best bet is to just take her and see!! You will never know until you try! Try taking her to a cartoon and movie that you KNOW she will at least be interested in. Take her on a weekday (SOON before school lets out) during the day (if you can get off work for a day) when there wont be very many people in the theatre to bother. And sit as far away from others as you can. That way if she DOES start talking or kicking seats or whatnot.. you can handle it without EITHER of you bothering anyone else trying to watch the movie!

We started taking our 1st when he was almost 4 and he was PERFECT. Our second still has a bit of a hard time sitting still at 4 1/2 but hes getting better! It just takes time for them to get used to what the "rules" of a theatre are and a LOT of patience on YOUR part!! Be prepared to simply LEAVE the theatre before the movie is over if your little one is just not ready yet. Then wait for a few months before trying again!

Continue to try though every few months. Eventually she will learn the rules and be able to behave!!

Good luck!! OH... and "build up" the fact you are taking her to a BIG MOVIE and it will be on a HUGE screen and will be SO COOL! Make it sound like the coolest thing EVER to go to the movies so that she is really excited and more "apt" to behave well!!

How old should my daughter be when I try to take her to see a movie in the theater for the first time?ballet opera theater

my daughter was 2 and i took her to go see the spongebob movie
depends on your kid, three or four.
I'd say 4 years old. Old enough to be able to understand that sometimes you need to be quiet and pay attention.
that depends on what movie youre seeing, and if the kid seems ready
depends on the kid, my daughter was about 2, now she is 6 and loves going, we have never had problems with it.
thats up to you. your the dad you make the decisions if she crys at home she is going to cry at the movies
about 4 years old
3 or 4
I would say that age doesn't matter as long as your child can stay sitted and be quiet for more than 10 seconds......not likely. haha! Fortunately, if it's a kids' movie, most parents in the theater will be understanding of a noisy child. Take her, I'm sure the both of you will have a great time!
depends on the child and their interest in the movie my son was 2 and it was the third harry potter movie. he is 4 now and if its not something he wants to see you cant keep him still or quiet buy a drink and lots of popcorn
It's not how old they are but how old they act.

With children under 5 it's a tough call. Take her to a children's matinee, just be willing to leave if she isn't into the movie. Let her call the shots.

A small pop corn and Dad's attention might be enough for her to really enjoy the experience and sit through whole film.
4 years old
Only you know how your child behaves so ages is irrelevant. The next question is how well you communicate with your child and how well your child responds? It was as much a thrill for me the first time I took my kid to the movies. I remember she got really frighten when the lights dimmed. That was the only thing I forgot to mention to her. So if you feel confident that she will sit through the whole movie than that is all that matters but don鈥檛 get angry if she can鈥檛 sit through it. Just remember, if she starts acting up be prepared to leave and count it as a learning experience for her and you. Enjoy the movie and the time with your child.
i would say 5 and up. My son wasn't interested in sitting still up until then. plus its so loud for the smaller ones for all of us really
That is a very good question and I'm not really sure on the answer, my daughter is 2 years old and I was thinking about taking her to see a movie that I thought she would like, but my daughter loves cartoons and things in that nature so well that I believe that she would sit though it all, or at least I think she may.

I know she will sit though the whole cartoon of Dora in the mornings and though some of the other cartoons in the mornings.

I really think it all depends on how your kid is, with mine she is more mellow when cartoons are on then most kids I know. It really depends on if your kid is hyper or mellow.
I would say 3 years old. Try taking them to see cartoons first. lie Sponge-bob or Power-puff Girls. Then after a few years you can take them to see a comedy or something they might enjoy.
It depends on the child... I took my child to the theater when Santa Clause 3 was showing and she was the perfect child. Quiet, and even sat there and watched the whole movie. And she is almost 18 mo. old now! So just depends on if your child is really cranky or not!
I think it's okay to do it as long as they are able to sit through a movie, for the most part at home, and they understand the idea of being quiet.

I also think that until your child can sit quietly through the whole movie, you should take them to a matinee instead of a later showing. In a matinee performance of a standard little-kid movie, most of the audience is made up of very small children and their parents -- the patrons least likely to get upset about your child asking questions through the whole movie, since their child is probably doing the same thing.
i say 5 becuase that is the age they pay attention more if it is something they will like
Age doesn't really matter, as long as she can sit quietly for about an hour and a half. Make sure she's toilet trained, as well...
In general, 4 years old. At that age they should be developmentally able to sit still and pay attention to a movie.
Maybe at 5yrs or 6 yrs old. Depend on the children.

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